Sunday, November 24, 2002

Better Than Nothing

I used to be intimidated by vegetarians, but I got over it. Part of it is the healthier-than-thou attitude most militant in the ones who buy special grinders for wheat grass and pay so much attention to live food and ingredients that it becomes an eating disorder. My short attention span has not only kept me from becoming addicted to anything but makes it impossible for me to keep up with all it takes to prepare and follow a strict dietary regime. I'm bipolar when it comes to food as evidenced by my having a juicer and a microwave, not eating white bread or rice but knowing the fast food places, having a water filter but also drinking carbonated battery acid with caffeine and aspertame which is about what Diet Coke is, shopping at Wild Oats and Kroger, taking vitamins and supplements but not eating as many fresh fruits and vegetables as I need to, and the list goes on. My theory is that any effort is better than nothing. Moderation in all things, including moderation. I should do so well as to be moderate when it comes to exercise!

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